Mohegan Sun Casino Wolf Den
Uncasville, Connecticut
November 10, 2019
Photos & Review by Frank Piercy
This has been a year of change for Vixen. Long time lead singer Janet Gardner had stepped away from the band to focus on family and a solo career. Lorraine Lewis of the band Femme Fatale stepped into into Janet Gardner’s spot on vocals. Ironically, it was almost a year to the day since Vixen last stepped onto the stage at the Mohegan Sun Wolf Den, the last time that Janet riled up the Vixen crowd in Uncasville, Connecticut.

This night would be the second time that I have seen Lorraine front the band (if you don’t count the short appearance Vixen made at a certain hotel M3 after party). The Wolf Den was filled. With this substantial line-up change, would the energy and enthusiasm still be there that I saw all the way back in May? We were about to find out.

The Vixen girls took to the stage and were met with great energy and cheers from the audience. They started right into the first song of the night, which surprisingly was the Femme Fatale song, “Waiting for the Big One”. The set continued with Lorraine working the stage, blasting out the usual Vixen classics, “Rev It Up” “How Much Love”, and “Cruisin”. Their hit ballad off their first album, “Cryin’” was next, then, with audience participation, it was “I Want You To Rock Me” followed up by, “Streets of Paradise”. Share Ross had her moment in the spotlight as she covered the “I Don’t Need No Doctor” by Ray Charles, a song that was covered by many other artists over the years. Lorraine belted out another Femme Fatale hits with, “Falling In and Out of Love”, “Love Made Me” and “You Oughta Know By Now”.

The crowd is eating this all up, faster than leftover Halloween Candy marked at 75% off. Then came the time of the night, when Tyson Leslie on the keyboards, starts into the signature intro sound of the hit “Edge of a Broken Heart”. This concluded the night’s set.
There have been many changes in a lot of the 80’s bands I still listen to and see these days, and very few have been able to work changes in their line ups that make a majority of their fans happy or even keep the sound they have up to par, Vixen has been lucky enough to be able to do that not only once but twice over the last couple of years with the addition of guitarist Britt Lightning and now the addition of singer Lorraine Lewis.

Bassist Share Ross and Drummer Roxy Petrucci are the backbone to this band, not only musically but personnel wise, being the last two original members of Vixen. On guitar is Britt Lightning who has proved a worthy asset to the band and brings additional fun and energy to the stage.
Vixen still kicks ass and still puts forth that feel good vibe, working the stage with a smile on their faces putting all their energy into their performance.
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