Toad’s Place
New Haven, Connecticut
November 3, 2019
Photos & Review by Tom Bogus
Atreyu brought their 20th Anniversary tour through to Toad’s Place In New Haven, Connecticut on November 3rd. They were joined by Santa Cruz, Tempting Fate, He is Legend and Whitechapel.
After being properly warmed up by the opening acts, Atreyu hit the stage with a vengeance, opening with with “The Time is Now” from their newest release In Our Wake. They quickly followed up with one of their earlier hits “Wrong side of the Bed.” The bands 20 song set was comprised from songs from all of their album releases. Most of the songs came from their most popular albums Deathgrip on Yeaterday, Lead Sails Paper Anchor and The Curse.
It’s been a long time since I’ve seen Atreyu live and I was not disappointed. This band is celebrating 20 years and I see them being around for another 20. Their stage lighting was great, filled with strobing white lights and rich reds and deep blues. I’m glad I had the opportunity to catch this show. I recommend seeing this tour.
ATREYU Photo Gallery:
1- The Time is Now
2- Right Side of the Bed
3- Ain’t Love Grand
4- Doomsday
5- My Fork in the Road ( Your Knife in my Back)
6- Ex’s and Oh’s
7- Our Sick Story (Thus Far)
8- The Theft
9- Bleeding Mascara
10- Demonology and Heartache
11- The Crimson
12- Her Portrait in Black
13- Bleeding is a Luxury
14- House of Gold
15- Becoming the Bull
16- Falling Down
17- Blow
18- Five Vicodin and a Shot of Clarity
19- Finale
20- Lip Gloss and Black
TEMPTING FATE Photo Gallery:
SANTA CRUZ Photo Gallery
HE IS LEGEND Photo Gallery