Xfinity Theatre
Hartford, Connecticut
August 2, 2019
Photos & Review by Tom Bogus
Breaking Benjamin brought their tour to the Xfinity theater in Hartford, Connecticut on August 2nd 2019 in support of their recent album release “Ember.” I missed the opening band Dorothy due to access issues.
Three Days Grace started their energy filled 50 minute set at 8:40PM. They opened up with “The Mountain” from their newest studio release. They followed that up with “Home”, “The Good Life” and “Pain”. They continued with more songs from their first and second studio releases before closing with “Riot.”
At 10pm sharp the house lights went out and the white curtain covering the front of the stage dropped and Breaking Benjamin opened up with “Red Cold River”. During the heavy parts of the song there were flames shooting out from the rear of the stage. I am not used to seeing pyro in the opening song. As a matter of fact, they used pyro in a total 10 songs that night and it was quite impressive.
Their 17 song set was nicely put together, mixing old hits with new favorites and even some covers. Breaking Benjamin never lets me down. I always know I’m in for a great night of of music when I see them.
Three Days Grace Setlist
1. The Mountain
2. Home
3. The Good Life
4. Pain
5. Infra-Red
6. Break
7. I Hate Everything About You
8. Animal I Have Become
9. Never Too Late
10. Riot
Breaking Benjamin Setlist
1. Red Cold River
2. I Will Not Bow
3. Never again
4. Breath
5. Sugarcoat
6. Polyamorous
7. Imperial March / Cowboys from Hell / Smells like teen spirit / Bohemian Rhapsody / Enter Sandman / Bulls on Parade / Drum solo
8. Sooner or Later
9. Blow Me Away
10. So Cold
11. Tourniquet
12. Angels Fall
13. Dance with the Devil
14. Failure
15. Torn in Two
16. Rain
17. The Diary of Jane