Fox Theater at Foxwoods Casino Resort
Mashantucket, Connecticut
September 8, 2019
Photos & Review by Frank Piercy
It had been quite a week, with the Demons and Wizards tour on the 4th and then Stone Temple Pilots on the 8th. Something I am still recovering from it.
This is the third time I have ever been to the Fox Theater. I brought my son here once back 2002 I think, for an Alice Cooper show. He still talks about that show to this day and I have taken him to A LOT since then. It is a nice theater with an old feel to it, even tho it really isn’t that old.
The night started with an indie rock band called Camp Howard. Not a band I have heard of, but isn’t that part of the joy of opening bands? Finding a new source of music? A four-piece outfit of Richmond Virginia who have opened for Stone Temple before in the past. Nic Perea, Wes Parker, Matt Benson and Brian Larson make up the band, but unfortunately, I can’t tell you who plays what.
CAMP HOWARD Photo Gallery
Once their set was done, the crowd started getting impatient. Rushing to their seats arms full of snacks and alcoholic drinks, they grew even more comical as the lights dimmed and the band took to the stage, and their paces grew faster.
The night started off with “Silvergun Superman” then flowed into “Wicked Garden” as the crowd sang along, they went into one of my favorite songs,” Vaseline”. It isn’t easy trying to shoot a show while singing along, these three songs definitely gave us photographers more than enough time to get some great shots, especially as lead singer, Jeff Gutt jumped down into the audience and walked around. The crowd loved it as people clamored to get a selfie with STP’s newest member.
Brothers DeLeo (Dean on guitar and Robert on bass) strode around the stage while drummer Eric Kretz kept everyone in time. The night continued on as the crowd sang along to a veritable greatest hits soundtrack of the 90s. Songs like “Plush”, Interstate Love Song” and “Sex Type Thing” were interspersed thru out the setlist with “Crackerman”, “Meatplow”, “Big Bang Baby”, “Sour Girl”, “Big Empty”, “Meadow”, “Roll Me Under”, “Dead & Bloated”, “Trippin’ on a Hole in a Paper Heart”, “Piece of Pie” rounding out the setlist.
Covering songs from a wide portion of their career, Jeff not only sounded great but even had the moves of the late Scott Weiland down and had no problems interacting with the crowd. I was surprised that they didn’t play any of the songs they had recorded with Chester Bennington, not that were many, but it would’ve been a nice nod to his memory.
I was impressed, this was the first time I have seen STP and they not only sounded great but have a good stage presence with Jeff. I would definitely go see them again, they are currently on the road with another great band that I haven’t seen yet, Rival Sons. I am seriously thinking about catching them in New York City next week.
For more info on the Stone Temple Pilots, visit https://stonetemplepilots.com